Hours of Service (HOS) web service for Depot data.
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
CreateDepotWs function creates one depot with the given paramter values and returns the depot id of the newly created depot. Two mandatory parameters – Depot Name and Time Zone – have to be provided and other optional parameters can be left out or the default values can be supplied. For default values and more detailed explanation please refer Wiki for documentation. -
Returns a DepotInfo object that contains properties for the depot corresponding to the specified depot ID. -
Returns a list of DepotInfo objects for the depots in the company. -
Updates the Depot address of the Depot Name specified in the input. If one of the address fields is not specified in the input then the old value will be wiped out and replaced with blank. Note that Region in input stands for State/Province and Postal for ZipCode. -
UpdateDepotWs function updates the values of an existing depot. The depot that has to be updated is specified by its name. If nothing is specified for StartOfDay then it will be reset to 0, all the other original values are retained if no values are provided. For more detailed explanation please refer the Wiki for documentation.